How to keep an outdoor party OUTDOORS!
Summertime is great for pool parties and barbeques. However, there is nothing less relaxing than intending a party to be outdoors, but all the guests end up in your house! Here are a few suggestions to give guests the hint that it is an outdoor only party:
– On the invites, or in a text reminder of the party, include a note that clues them in to it being an outdoor event: “pack a sweater, it may be chilly” or “be sure to have your sunscreen/bug spray.”
– Do not have guests enter through your front door. Have them walk to the side of the house and enter the gate to your backyard that way. So, they are never inside to begin with. This is one of the most effective ways to give a big clue to guests that “it is an outdoor only party.”
– Have everything guests will need outside – food, drinks, towels etc. (obviously they will need to go inside for the bathroom, but that should be the only time they need to)
– You and your spouse and children all need to remain outside the entire time. The easiest way for an outside party to turn into an inside party is when I’m in the kitchen getting some food together and then 2 or 3 friends come to hang with me and then it all snowballs from there. Or one of my kids goes to show a friend something in their room and next thing I know all the kids are in the playroom!
– And then when all else fails? Do not be afraid to tell people that it is an outside party, especially if it is kids. It is easy to scoot them all outside. But even with adults you can delicately say, I was planning to have this as an outdoor event.
At SWAG Party Rentals, we love to help you create an event that everyone will be talking about for years to come! Whether you just need a few chairs or want someone to guide and plan the entire event (and everything in between) we will ensure your event is unforgettable!